The dog park is a great place for your dog to make some friends, burn off energy and bond with you. But if you've never been, the dog park can be a little intimidating. What's okay, and what isn't? To help you prevent any dog park faux pas, we made this handy list of the unspoken… Continue reading The 10 Commandments of Dog Park Etiquette
The Best Toy for Dogs Who Like to Shred: GoDog Furballz
If you’re anything like me, buying a dog toy is a total gamble. My dog, Lucy, is a total destroyer — the second she gets her paws on a new toy, she’s already zeroing in on its weaknesses, tearing apart stitching and joyfully ripping out plush like it’s her job. As I think many dog… Continue reading The Best Toy for Dogs Who Like to Shred: GoDog Furballz
How to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks
Is your dog afraid of fireworks? These seven tips can help them stay calm and relaxed. While most of us love the Fourth of July — who doesn't love a day for grilling out, spending time with family and friends and relaxing — for your pets, the holiday can be really stressful because of another… Continue reading How to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks
2017’s Most Unusual Dog Names
Move over, Max, Bella and Charlie — today’s dog owners are looking for names that go a bit outside of the norm. For proof, just turn to New York City. The Big Apple’s health department recently released the names of every single dog registered in Manhattan and turned the data into quite an eye-catching chart: Searching for… Continue reading 2017’s Most Unusual Dog Names
Dog DNA Tests: Are They Worth It?
When we first adopted Lucy, we assumed she was a Jack Russell. That’s how the shelter identified her, and based on how she looked, there was no reason to think otherwise — she has the classic white, wiry coat with brown patches over her eyes. So we brought her home and told everyone we knew… Continue reading Dog DNA Tests: Are They Worth It?
Switching Dog Food: The Right and Wrong Way to Do It
If you’re switching dog food brands, or even switching to a different food within the same line, it’s imperative you do it the right way. (Trust me, we learned the hard way.) The Wrong Way Lucy was on puppy food for just about a year, but after that, we wanted to follow the manufacturer recommendations… Continue reading Switching Dog Food: The Right and Wrong Way to Do It
The Puppy Shopping List: Essentials for Your Few First Days
So you’re adopting a puppy. Congratulations! You’re about to take home a small bundle of cuteness that loves you unconditionally. (And will immediately pee on everything.) If you’re anything like me, you’re excited mixed with nervous mixed with panicked mixed with overwhelmed. So let’s focus. Here are the essentials you need to get through your… Continue reading The Puppy Shopping List: Essentials for Your Few First Days
Review: Freedom No Pull Harness
What is the Freedom No Pull Harness, and should I try it? We review the features and benefits. Let me start by saying that, without a doubt, harnesses are a great idea for dogs. They help you maintain control — and you in control means your dog is safer on walks — and, more importantly,… Continue reading Review: Freedom No Pull Harness
Training Your Dog? Why You Need a Marker Word
So you brought home a dog and you’re ready to train her. Where do you start? Luckily, the first step is the easiest: Pick your marker word. A marker word is the word you’ll use when your dog does something right — when she sits when you ask, when she comes when you call, you… Continue reading Training Your Dog? Why You Need a Marker Word